森林v0.51更新内容一览 森林0.51版本更新了什么
森林0.59b更新了什么 森林The Forest0.59b更新日志...
Fixed a bug where some structures would vanish on loading games
DS – Added a version check to servers. This will inform players if the dedicated server they are attempting to join is from a different release than the current build they are using. Players who see this message should make sure their game is up to date, or alternatively try a different server as server may not be up to date
DS -添加到服务器的版本检查。这将通知玩家,如果他们试图加入的专用服务器是从一个不同的版本比目前的建设,他们正在使用。看到这个消息的玩家应该确保他们的游戏是最新的,或者尝试不同的服务器作为服务器可能是最新的
DS – Connecting to a dedicated server now shows a client connecting message during the initial stages
DS – When attempting to connect to a server that is not configured correctly, players will now receive an error message and be returned to title screen
DS -当试图连接到服务器没有正确配置,玩家将收到一个错误信息,并返回到标题屏幕
DS – Join server button on dedicated server has been renamed from ‘new’ to ‘join’
DS -加入服务器按钮在专用服务器已被重命名从'新'到'加入'
DS – Fixed basic fires not lightable by clients after loading into games
DS – Prevented dedicated server from saving quality presets
DS – Player list in game now shows amount of players in game
DS -球员名单在游戏现在显示数量的球员在游戏中
Fixed a bug where some structures would vanish on loading games
DS – Added a version check to servers. This will inform players if the dedicated server they are attempting to join is from a different release than the current build they are using. Players who see this message should make sure their game is up to date, or alternatively try a different server as server may not be up to date
DS -添加到服务器的版本检查。这将通知玩家,如果他们试图加入的专用服务器是从一个不同的版本比目前的建设,他们正在使用。看到这个消息的玩家应该确保他们的游戏是最新的,或者尝试不同的服务器作为服务器可能是最新的
DS – Connecting to a dedicated server now shows a client connecting message during the initial stages
DS – When attempting to connect to a server that is not configured correctly, players will now receive an error message and be returned to title screen
DS -当试图连接到服务器没有正确配置,玩家将收到一个错误信息,并返回到标题屏幕
DS – Join server button on dedicated server has been renamed from ‘new’ to ‘join’
DS -加入服务器按钮在专用服务器已被重命名从'新'到'加入'
DS – Fixed basic fires not lightable by clients after loading into games
DS – Prevented dedicated server from saving quality presets
DS – Player list in game now shows amount of players in game
DS -球员名单在游戏现在显示数量的球员在游戏中
森林the forest0.43更新了什么 0.43更新内容一览
V0.43 木棍和石块包, 超级药剂,改善建筑,修复了一些bug
新合成物品: 超级生命药: 合成配方: 1 marigold,+1(芦荟) aloe + 1 coneflower, 作用是直接回复100%的血量。
新合成物品: 超级体力药:合成配方: 1 coneflower+ 1 chicory + 1 芦荟aloe,更新日志没说具体作用,估计是回满体力。
新合成物品: 木棍包:合成配方: 2 绳子ropes+ 3 布条cloth + 1 兔子皮rabbit skin. 增加10木棍的携带量。
新合成物品: 石头包:合成配方: 3 绳子ropes+ 3 布条cloth + 3 兔子皮rabbit skin。 增加5石头的携带量。
Improved responsiveness of weapon when attacking while recovering from a swing(如果武器攻击时候上一击没有打中任何东西,可以更快的收回武器打出下一击。)
Caves – 在洞穴10和洞穴2的野营附近新增了营地垃圾。
新增的自定义墙壁的自动填充方案,生效方式和地板/屋顶类似,墙壁会显示出一个自动填充的预览效果. 默认情况下系统会自动根据地形和玩家建造的地板来自动切换手动和自动模式, 长按C也能在两种模式间切换. 之后在放置一面墙壁之前不会再自动切换。
Placing a procedural wall on a foundation with floor will now cover the floor area instead of matching the foundation shape (so if foundations have an open side the ghost wall will cover that part as well instead of leaving it open, note that as all constructions it can be cancelled if not wanted)
Now checking against existing wall chunks (or derivatives such as fences) when placing a ghost wall (or derivatives) and skip placing new chunks over existing chunks that share exact same position and size (for example, after autofilling a wall and cancelling a chunk, autofill can be used a second time to fill the gap without spawning doubled up wall chunks overlapping the existing ones)
Player blood map seams fixed(应该是修复了玩家血液贴图会出现一条缝合线的问题。)
Caves –在洞穴里面石头撞到地面有更好的碰撞效果。
(多人模式下) 捕鱼陷阱不在同步出现,因为就算再多人模式下,池塘里面的鱼是每个玩家自己电脑上独自生成的,大家抓鱼都是在自己那里抓而已。
Caves – 修复内容:Fixed holes in cave 6
(多人模式下) Reduced some jerkiness in squirrel animation as client
(多人模式下) 修复内容:Fixed game freezing when closing inventory after adding more items than shown using metal tray on the crafting mat (i.e. add metal tray and 40 leaves to crafting mat then close inventory without combining)
(多人模式下) 修复内容:Fixed interaction distance with item holder trigger of sled being really short
(多人模式下) 修复内容:Fixed cutting stumps away from host not not blowing up
(多人模式下) 修复内容:Fixed (again)backpack overlay icon not showing up in world after dying in a cave
(多人模式下) 修复内容:Fixed player slowly rotating to the side and ending upside down when using chat box while swimming
(多人模式下) 修复内容:Fixed flickering on back of tabloid magazine when viewing another player holding it
(多人模式下) 修复内容:Fixed cave pre-placed fires not being lightable
(多人模式下) 修复内容:Fixed gamepad not having same restrictions as keyboard when using chat, causing issues such as allowing to double jump and possibly breaking all input
(多人模式下) 修复内容:Fixed fish trap resetting when there’s a fish trapped remotely
Audio – added sounds to book opening on plane
Audio – 修复内容:Fixed timing of meat eating to fit new animation
修复内容:Fixed 2d filling cog not functioning properly in specific cases, i.e. upgrade recipe matching some ingredient with a recipe which currently has all its ingredient on the crafting mat but not valid amounts yet (like arrows & speed+ upgraded stick)
修复内容:Fixed some structures not getting cut out of nav mesh correctly on loading save game
修复内容:Fixed some cases of enemies running somewhere when there was no path to the target
修复内容:Fixed greebles switching from regular to snow when standing right on the edge in between
修复内容:Fixed repair building trigger position not calculated properly, causing icon to possibly be inside the building depending on its orientation
修复内容:Fixed collapsing foundation not releasing its logs individually and instead staying glued in oddly shaped chunks of several logs
修复内容:Fixed glowing mutant leader straps
修复内容:Fixed wrong uv’s on back of some magazines and pickups
修复内容:Fixed missing backfaces on dropped lizard and rabbit skin prefabs
修复内容:Fixed repetition of female head on stick art placed around the world
修复内容:Fixed player collision getting stuck on enemies standing directly below player
修复内容:Fixed ghost roof default visual not centered and weirdly offset
修复内容:Fixed resetting fish trap not having a delay allowing currently caught fish to escape
修复内容:Fixed all types of maple trees not blowing up when within an explosion happening mid range from a player
修复内容:Fixed some tree/tent intersections
修复内容:Fixed excessive distortion when damaging gardens
修复内容:Fixed logs thrown into the sinkhole staying floating mid air, they now properly go all the way down !
修复内容:Fixed screen sometimes shaking randomly when walking around the world
修复内容:Fixed meat clipping into player body while eating
修复内容:Fixed player crouch getting stuck sometimes when moving through shallow water
修复内容:Fixed player getting thrown up in the air if standing on top of an explosive
修复内容:Fixed lizards and other animals not falling from trees that are cut down
修复内容:Fixed some tree/tent intersections
修复内容:Fixed excessive distortion when damaging gardens
修复内容:Fixed logs thrown into the sinkhole staying floating mid air, they now properly go all the way down !
修复内容:Fixed screen sometimes shaking randomly when walking around the world
修复内容:Fixed meat clipping into player body while eating
修复内容:Fixed player crouch getting stuck sometimes when moving through shallow water
修复内容:Fixed player getting thrown up in the air if standing on top of an explosive
修复内容:Fixed lizards and other animals not falling from trees that are cut down
V0.43 木棍和石块包, 超级药剂,改善建筑,修复了一些bug
新合成物品: 超级生命药: 合成配方: 1 marigold,+1(芦荟) aloe + 1 coneflower, 作用是直接回复100%的血量。
新合成物品: 超级体力药:合成配方: 1 coneflower+ 1 chicory + 1 芦荟aloe,更新日志没说具体作用,估计是回满体力。
新合成物品: 木棍包:合成配方: 2 绳子ropes+ 3 布条cloth + 1 兔子皮rabbit skin. 增加10木棍的携带量。
新合成物品: 石头包:合成配方: 3 绳子ropes+ 3 布条cloth + 3 兔子皮rabbit skin。 增加5石头的携带量。
Improved responsiveness of weapon when attacking while recovering from a swing(如果武器攻击时候上一击没有打中任何东西,可以更快的收回武器打出下一击。)
Caves – 在洞穴10和洞穴2的野营附近新增了营地垃圾。
新增的自定义墙壁的自动填充方案,生效方式和地板/屋顶类似,墙壁会显示出一个自动填充的预览效果. 默认情况下系统会自动根据地形和玩家建造的地板来自动切换手动和自动模式, 长按C也能在两种模式间切换. 之后在放置一面墙壁之前不会再自动切换。
Placing a procedural wall on a foundation with floor will now cover the floor area instead of matching the foundation shape (so if foundations have an open side the ghost wall will cover that part as well instead of leaving it open, note that as all constructions it can be cancelled if not wanted)
Now checking against existing wall chunks (or derivatives such as fences) when placing a ghost wall (or derivatives) and skip placing new chunks over existing chunks that share exact same position and size (for example, after autofilling a wall and cancelling a chunk, autofill can be used a second time to fill the gap without spawning doubled up wall chunks overlapping the existing ones)
Player blood map seams fixed(应该是修复了玩家血液贴图会出现一条缝合线的问题。)
Caves –在洞穴里面石头撞到地面有更好的碰撞效果。
(多人模式下) 捕鱼陷阱不在同步出现,因为就算再多人模式下,池塘里面的鱼是每个玩家自己电脑上独自生成的,大家抓鱼都是在自己那里抓而已。
Caves – 修复内容:Fixed holes in cave 6
(多人模式下) Reduced some jerkiness in squirrel animation as client
(多人模式下) 修复内容:Fixed game freezing when closing inventory after adding more items than shown using metal tray on the crafting mat (i.e. add metal tray and 40 leaves to crafting mat then close inventory without combining)
(多人模式下) 修复内容:Fixed interaction distance with item holder trigger of sled being really short
(多人模式下) 修复内容:Fixed cutting stumps away from host not not blowing up
(多人模式下) 修复内容:Fixed (again)backpack overlay icon not showing up in world after dying in a cave
(多人模式下) 修复内容:Fixed player slowly rotating to the side and ending upside down when using chat box while swimming
(多人模式下) 修复内容:Fixed flickering on back of tabloid magazine when viewing another player holding it
(多人模式下) 修复内容:Fixed cave pre-placed fires not being lightable
(多人模式下) 修复内容:Fixed gamepad not having same restrictions as keyboard when using chat, causing issues such as allowing to double jump and possibly breaking all input
(多人模式下) 修复内容:Fixed fish trap resetting when there’s a fish trapped remotely
Audio – added sounds to book opening on plane
Audio – 修复内容:Fixed timing of meat eating to fit new animation
修复内容:Fixed 2d filling cog not functioning properly in specific cases, i.e. upgrade recipe matching some ingredient with a recipe which currently has all its ingredient on the crafting mat but not valid amounts yet (like arrows & speed+ upgraded stick)
修复内容:Fixed some structures not getting cut out of nav mesh correctly on loading save game
修复内容:Fixed some cases of enemies running somewhere when there was no path to the target
修复内容:Fixed greebles switching from regular to snow when standing right on the edge in between
修复内容:Fixed repair building trigger position not calculated properly, causing icon to possibly be inside the building depending on its orientation
修复内容:Fixed collapsing foundation not releasing its logs individually and instead staying glued in oddly shaped chunks of several logs
修复内容:Fixed glowing mutant leader straps
修复内容:Fixed wrong uv’s on back of some magazines and pickups
修复内容:Fixed missing backfaces on dropped lizard and rabbit skin prefabs
修复内容:Fixed repetition of female head on stick art placed around the world
修复内容:Fixed player collision getting stuck on enemies standing directly below player
修复内容:Fixed ghost roof default visual not centered and weirdly offset
修复内容:Fixed resetting fish trap not having a delay allowing currently caught fish to escape
修复内容:Fixed all types of maple trees not blowing up when within an explosion happening mid range from a player
修复内容:Fixed some tree/tent intersections
修复内容:Fixed excessive distortion when damaging gardens
修复内容:Fixed logs thrown into the sinkhole staying floating mid air, they now properly go all the way down !
修复内容:Fixed screen sometimes shaking randomly when walking around the world
修复内容:Fixed meat clipping into player body while eating
修复内容:Fixed player crouch getting stuck sometimes when moving through shallow water
修复内容:Fixed player getting thrown up in the air if standing on top of an explosive
修复内容:Fixed lizards and other animals not falling from trees that are cut down
修复内容:Fixed some tree/tent intersections
修复内容:Fixed excessive distortion when damaging gardens
修复内容:Fixed logs thrown into the sinkhole staying floating mid air, they now properly go all the way down !
修复内容:Fixed screen sometimes shaking randomly when walking around the world
修复内容:Fixed meat clipping into player body while eating
修复内容:Fixed player crouch getting stuck sometimes when moving through shallow water
修复内容:Fixed player getting thrown up in the air if standing on top of an explosive
修复内容:Fixed lizards and other animals not falling from trees that are cut down
求森林(The Forest)0.51无限资源修改器(无限背...