维多利亚2 存档修改器


维多利亚2修改器不要存档修改器 邮箱l130812998953...



中国本来很强了 一出来 先把声望+上去event 18570 然后用所有兵征服朝鲜 因为全是民兵没战斗力 这边要半年才打完 然后扩军 不要扩太多 要不然很卡 接下来挥兵南下 把没被英国占得占了 把南亚打完 向西扩张 首先打浩瀚 一半10000人搞定 是在打不赢 就集合在一起 追着他的军队打 然后在分开占 之后就是 埃及 要苏伊士运河 可以开条河出来 之后看你的军事力量 很强的话 全部集中到 北线 和俄罗斯开战 也可以要求领地 不过那门太麻烦了 要打 几十年 建议集中兵力 解决掉俄罗斯 再把 奥斯曼 打了 然后再看着扩张吧 注意一定要每个地方都要有军队 打到1890年后 就把每个地方《你占领了的地方》派上兵 然后又扩张 个人建议 先非洲在欧洲 这两个洲打完 估计只剩 英国和 美洲了 这是要两面开弓
南线先从智力 登录 北线先取得阿拉斯加 做基地 逐步扩张 这是你会很卡 因为国内叛乱不断
打完估计到1910~1915左右 然后 在和英国开战 相信有智商的都打得赢
ps:修改器那东西是有 不过建议不要用 因为用了就无敌了 打着没意思 这样e799bee5baa6e59b9ee7ad9431333264623833一个游戏玩一遍就烦了 so··············不要用修改器

维多利亚2 v1.3修改器

  1.首先打开游戏根文件夹。(win7默认为C:/Program Files (x86)/Paradox Interactive/Victoria 2 其他机型的话一般都是C:/Program Files/Paradox Interactive/Victoria 2)

  # All global modifiers are here. They are applied from certain game-features.
  # Effects are fully scriptable here.

  #these names can NOT be removed or changes, as the code uses them....

  # Difficulty Modifiers

  very_easy_player = {
  war_exhaustion = -39
  unit_recruitment_time = -100
  leadership_modifier = 45
  global_tax_income_modifier = 95
  global_money = 56
  diplomatic_points_modifier = 45
  global_tariff = 99
  increase_colony = 45
  supply_limit = 75
  colonial_life_rating = -45
  research_points_modifier = 89
  badboy = -59
  prestige = 6.50
  factory_construction_speed = -100
  military_score_modifier = 56
  officers = 25
  factory_build_speed = -100
  global_manpower_modifier = 56
  global_repair = 45
  military_population = 50
  max_attrition = 70
  immigrant_attract = 78
  mobilisation_size = 78
  farm_RGO_eff = 45
  mine_RGO_eff = 45
  war_exhaustion = -45
  global_pop_militancy_modifier = -58

  easy_player = {
  war_exhaustion = -39
  unit_recruitment_time = -100
  leadership_modifier = 45
  global_tax_income_modifier = 95
  global_money = 56
  diplomatic_points_modifier = 45
  global_tariff = 99
  increase_colony = 45
  supply_limit = 75
  colonial_life_rating = -45
  research_points_modifier = 89
  badboy = -59
  prestige = 6.50
  factory_construction_speed = -100
  military_score_modifier = 56
  officers = 25
  factory_build_speed = -100
  global_manpower_modifier = 56
  global_repair = 45
  military_population = 50
  max_attrition = 70
  immigrant_attract = 78
  mobilisation_size = 78
  farm_RGO_eff = 45
  mine_RGO_eff = 45
  war_exhaustion = -45
  global_pop_militancy_modifier = -58

  hard_player = {
  supply_consumption = 0.5

  very_hard_player = {
  supply_consumption = 1.0

  very_easy_ai = {

  easy_ai = {

  hard_ai = {
  badboy = -0.02
  research_points_modifier = 0.5
  land_organisation = 0.25
  naval_organisation = 0.25
  leadership_modifier = 0.5
  global_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.02

  very_hard_ai = {
  badboy = -0.05
  research_points_modifier = 1.0
  land_organisation = 0.5
  naval_organisation = 0.5
  leadership_modifier = 1.0
  global_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.04

  # Provincial Static Modifiers

  overseas = {

  coastal = {
  supply_limit = 1

  non_coastal = {

  coastal_sea = {
  supply_limit = 5

  sea_zone = {
  max_attrition = 5 e69da5e887aae79fa5e9819331333264663035 #Maximum Attrition is 5

  land_province = {
  max_attrition = 5 #Maximum Attrition is 5

  blockaded =

  no_adjacent_controlled = {

  core = {

  has_siege = {
  farm_rgo_eff = -0.5
  mine_rgo_eff = -0.5

  occupied = {
  population_growth = -0.02
  immigrant_attract = -1

  nationalism = {

  infrastructure = {
  local_factory_throughput = 1 #each % of infra boost throughput 1%
  local_rgo_throughput = 1 #each % of infra boost throughput 1%
  supply_limit = 2

  # Global Static Modifiers

  base_values = {

  war = {
  max_war_exhaustion = 100 #base max at war.
  #war_exhaustion = 0.1
  badboy = -0.033

  peace = {
  max_war_exhaustion = 100 #base max at peace.
  supply_consumption = -0.5
  war_exhaustion = -0.5
  badboy = -0.1

  disarming = {
  badboy = -0.1

  war_exhaustion = {
  global_pop_consciousness_modifier = 0.005

  badboy = {
  pop_consciousness_modifier = 0.001

  debt_default_to = {
  import_cost = 0.01
  loan_interest = 0.01

  bad_debter = {
  loan_interest = 0.05

  great_power = {
  prestige = 0.05
  research_points = 1.5
  diplomatic_points_modifier = 1.0
  leadership = 2.0

  second_power = {
  prestige = 0.025
  research_points = 1.25
  diplomatic_points_modifier = 0.25
  leadership = 1.0

  civ_nation = {
  prestige = 0.01
  research_points = 1
  leadership = 0.5

  unciv_nation = {
  mobilisation_size = -0.1
  diplomatic_points_modifier = -0.5


  average_literacy = {
  research_points = 4
  leadership = 1

  plurality = {
  research_points_modifier = 0.02

  generalised_debt_default = {


  total_occupation = {
  war_exhaustion = 0.05 #increased by war exhaustion.

  total_blockaded = {
  war_exhaustion = 0.5 #increased by war exhaustion.

  in_bankrupcy = {

  5. 进入游戏,点"Options" 然后点"Game“,把diffculty 调成Very Easy,然后开新游戏。(如果very easy状态下在点开始游戏后自动退出,你可以去把diffculty调成Easy,这样就100%可以进行游戏,进游戏后你就会发现,造兵只用一天就可以完成,自己领土在进行游戏一段时间后不在可能出现叛军,而且电脑玩家就会陷入叛变常起的恶劣情况中。另外,v1.3版的维多利亚2,作弊码都只对玩家自己有效了,所以你也可以直接按~,跳出对话框后直接输入"instantconstruction然后就可以一秒内造出士兵了。


h tt p://bbs.52pcgame.com/thread-324079-1-1.html


