



23 years ago, the alien Ceph invaded our world. We stopped them, I stopped them. But the Cell corporation seized the opportunity, stepped into the power vacuum, quickly growing in size and influence to the brink of the world domination. Cell took us all by surprise, even me.
They call me prophet, and I’m the only one who knows what’s coming. Cell are not the real threat to our world. The most powerful alien, the alpha Ceph, still lives. He showed me a glimpse of the future. He knows what drives me. What I believe that be a good solider comes down to one thing, to one single question: What are you prepared to sacrifice? “Remember me!” When they came to me with the nano suite, I sacrifice Lawrence Barnes the man I was to become prophet. When my own flesh and blood hell me back, I sacrifice that too, replaced it like a spare part. Victory costs. Every time you pay a little more. I saw glimpse of what’s coming. Then there is nothing left me to stop it. When the greatest combat machine fails, what do we do then? What do I do?



他们叫我先知……也只有我知道接下来会发生什么。 对我们的世界真正有威胁的不是CELL, 最强大的外星人—Alpha Ceph—仍然活着,他让我窥见了未来…… 他知道我的动力,我的信仰。要当好军人只需回答一个简单的问题:“你有什么可以牺牲的?”“记住我的话” 。当他们身披纳米装甲来找我时, 我牺牲掉了曾经的肉身,劳伦斯巴恩斯,从而成为先知。当我的行动因肉体存在而受到限制时,我也把它牺牲掉了,就像更换零件一样。胜利的代价很高,每一次你都得付出更多。我对未来有过惊鸿一瞥… 我已经没有能力去阻止它了。 当最强的战斗机器也无能为力时… 我们该怎么办?我又该怎么办?!

