


Old Ways - Demi Lovato

It was fun playing with knives

Until a blade

Stuck in the left side of my chest


And I'm down again I turn the page

The story's mine

No more watching the world from my doorstep

Passin' me by

And I just keep changing

These colors colors colors colors

I'm not in the same place

That I was I was I was I was

But if somebody tells me
I'll go back to my old ways
I'm gonna say no way
I'm out of the doorway

I'm hearing them all say
I'll go back to my old ways

Not goin' back to my old ways

Not goin' back to my old ways

Not goin' back to my old ways

Now I know what's good for me

All that I need

And I can't wait to sink my teeth in
And take another bite

And the best part about it

Is I'm the only who can do something about it
I fill the well with some water it's overflowin'

Black into gold
Who knew it'd be so bright without the blindfolds
And I just keep changing

These colors colors colors colors

I'm not in the same place

That I was I was I was I was

But if somebody tells me
I'll go back to my old ways
I'm gonna say no way
I'm out of the doorway

I'm hearing them all say
I'll go back to my old ways

Not goin' back to my old ways

Not goin' back to my old ways

Not goin' back to my old ways

Every scar

The flames burn the mark

I'm not afraid to fall

I'm spiraling

I'm spiraling

I pass the stars

I'm not burning out

I'm not afraid to fall

I'm not afraid anymore

And I just keep changing my colors

I'm not in the same place that I was I was

And the best part about it
Is I'm the only who can do something about it
I fill the well with some water it's overflowin'
Black into gold
Who knew it'd be so bright without the blindfolds

And I just keep changing

These colors colors colors colors

I'm not in the same place

That I was I was I was I was

But if somebody tells me
I'll go back to my old ways
I'm gonna say no way
I'm out of the doorway
I'm hearing them all say
I'll go back to my old ways

Not goin' back to my old ways




hell or high water - billy raffoul 雪山的应该是这首
结局的好像是Days gone quiet,虽然我还没通关




“往”字开头的成语:(共3则) [w] 往返徒劳 往蹇来连 往渚还汀 

第二个字是“往”的成语:(共40则) [b] 白往黑来 [c] 长往远引 [d] 独往独来 [g] 古往今来 改往修来 告往知来 观往知来 [h] 厚往薄来 [j] 既往不咎 继往开来 鉴往知来 极往知来 [l] 乐往哀来 露往霜来 [p] 否往泰来 [r] 攘往熙来 日往月来 [s]暑往寒来 送往劳来 事往日迁 送往事居 送往视居 神往神来 送往迎来 数往知来 [w] 无往不复 无往不克 无往不利 无往不胜 [x] 小往大来 心往神驰 虚往实归 [y] 一往而深 以往鉴来 一往情深 意往神驰 一往无前 一往直前 [z] 知往鉴今 彰往考来 

第三个字是“往”的成语:(共6则) [l] 礼尚往来 [q] 前言往行 [t] 徒劳往返 [x] 循环往复 心乡往之 心向往之 

“往”字结尾的成语:(共30则) [b] 不咎既往 拔来报往 跋来报往 不追既往 [c] 长此以往 [d] 独来独往 遁世长往 [h] 寒来暑往 [j] 今来古往 [k] 开来继往 溘然长往 [l] 令人神往 [m] 明来暗往 [n] 南来北往 [q] 情深一往 [r] 人来客往 人来人往 攘来熙往 日来月往 [s] 暑来寒往 神醉心往 [t] 泰来否往 [x] 心弛神往 心驰神往 熙来攘往 [y] 一反既往 迎来送往 一来一往 一如既往 [z] 知来藏往 

“往”字在其他位置的成语:(共3则) [j] 鸡犬之声相闻,老死不相往来 [l]来而不往非礼也 老死不相往来 


