方舟:生存进化 秘籍指令使用方法视频 怎么用指令


方舟生存进化》代码秘籍输入方法 怎么使用代码

找到你百要的物品id 然后按tab键 打开控制台 输入度 admincheat GiveItemNum (物品版id) 1 1 false
找到你要的物品id 然后按tab键 打开控制台 输入 admincheat GiveItemNum (物品id) 1 1 false

方舟生存进化》全控制台命令一览 秘籍怎么用

以下代码分为4部分:物品代码、武器代码、泰克代码、生物代码(按TAB 进入控制台)

1、SetCheatPlayerTrue Enables Cheat Menu 


2、SetCheatPlayer False Disables Cheat Menu


3、God Unkillable, except you can drown. 


4、Fly Able to Fly 


5、Walk Deactivates Flying 


6、Teleport Teleports you in the direction you arefacing.


7、Slomo <#> Changes server speed. Values are 1-5. 1 = Normal Speed 

设定时间速度 <1-5> ,1=正常速度

8、PlayersOnly Freezes all Dinos at their current position. Alsofreezes crafting. 


9、Ghost Noclip, walk through walls/objects. 


10、ForceTame Instantly tames a Dino. Can ride withoutsaddle. 


11、AddExperience 1000 0 0 1 Gives yourself1000 XP 

给自己经验值 1000(可改其它值)

12、AddExperience (value for first number) (toggleoption in relation to tribe) (Second toggle) (third toggle) so in total thereshould be 4 separate numbers.

13、GiveResources Gives you 50of all resources 


14、InfiniteStats InfiniteHunger, Stamina, Ammo, etc.. 

状态/子弹不减 (饥饿、耐力、免装弹....等)

15、DamageTarget Damages acreature you are looking at for a set amount


16、DestroyAllEnemies Destroysall enemies. They respawn after a while. 


17、Givengrams unlocks allcrafting recipes for your character -* Bugged - You can't craft theserecipes 

开启所有蓝图 (目前此功能有问题)

18、HurtMe Deals damage to yourself 

伤害自己(自杀)例 hurtme 1000

19、ToggleGun Toggles visibility of current equipped item 

当前装备物品隐形 开/关

20、SetTimeOfDay Changes timeof day

设定时间 (后面要加时间 如 settimeofday 04:00)

21、SetPlayerPos 0 0 0 Allows you toteleport to coordinates. 

传送到座标( 如 setplayerpos 12,12,132)

22、SaveWorld Saves current worldstate 


23、QuitExits the current world. Use after saving for asafe shutdown. 


24、ExecSetSleeping True/False Puts character to sleep/wakes them up 


25、EnemyInvisible True/False Makes allcreatures ignore you even if you attack them 





GiveItemNum Gives you anitem. 

例:giveitemnum 105 1 1 false 给储存箱 1个



DestroyAll Destroys all Objects/Dinos of a classname 


Summon Summons a dino at your location. 


Stat FPS Shows your FPS and latency, usable byanyone. 


方舟生存进化》全控制台命令一览 秘籍怎么用



1、SetCheatPlayerTrue Enables Cheat Menu:开启作弊选单;

2、SetCheatPlayer False Disables Cheat Menu:关闭作弊选单;

3、Fly Able to Fly:飞行模式;

4、Stat FPS Shows your FPS and latency,usable byanyone:显示帧数;

5、Summon Summons a dino at your location:召唤一只恐龙到当前位置;

6、DestroyAll Destroys all Objects/Dinos of a classname:删除所有物件及恐龙。






方舟生存进化》全控制台命令一览 秘籍怎么用

控制台命令 翻译
God – Enables God Mode(Rumor has it you can still drown) 无敌
Fly – You can fly! 飞行
Walk – Stops you from flying. 停止飞行
Teleport – Teleport in the direction you are facing. 传送到目视中心点
Ghost – Noclip, walk through objects/walls. 穿墙
ToggleInfiniteAmmo: Unlimited Ammo! 无限弹药
setcheatplayer true – Turns on cheat menu. 作e68a84e8a2ad7a686964616f31333339666136弊选单开
setcheatplayer false – Turns off cheat menu. 作弊选单关
giveresources – Gives 50 of any resource on local servers. 所有资源给50份
giveengrams – Unlocks all crafting. 所有制作蓝图解锁
ServerPVE – Disables PVP. 网服关闭PVP
ServerHardcore – Character stats reset on death. 网服死后人物经验清空
ServerForceNoHUD – Floating names become disabled. 网服关闭显示名字
ServerCrosshair – Enables Crosshair. 网服开启十字瞄准
GlobalVoiceChat – Everyone can hear everyone, no matter the distance. 网服语音全开
ProximityChat – Text chat only appears at close proximity. 网服文字限制
AllowThirdPersonPlayer – Enables 3rd person. 开启第三人称
AlwaysNotifyPlayerLeft – Enables departure message. 网服开启登出信息
DontAlwaysNotifyPlayerJoined – Disables join message. 网服关闭登入信息
settimeofday <time> – Changes time. 改变时间
AltSaveDirectoryName – Server data is saved in an alternate directory. 网服设定存储位置
saveworld – Saves the current world. 存档
damagetarget <amount> – Damage is dealt to your target. 伤害当前目标
destroyallenemies – Destroys all enemies on local servers. 杀死所有敌人
destroytarget – Destroys the entire world. Do not use this unless you want to nuke your current world. 毁灭世界
slomo 5 – Unsure. Still needs testing. 不明功能
autoSpawn trex – Spawns a T-Rex. 生出暴龙
autoSpawn dragon – Spawns a Dragon. 生出龙
NoTributeDownloads – Disable downloading external items/characters/dinosaurs into this ARK. 关闭mod(外部物件)

方舟生存进化》全控制台命令一览 秘籍怎么用

控制台命令 翻译
God – Enables God Mode(Rumor has it you can still drown) 无敌
Fly – You can fly! 飞行
Walk – Stops you from flying. 停止飞行
Teleport – Teleport in the direction you are facing. 传送到目视中心点
Ghost – Noclip, walk through objects/walls. 穿墙
ToggleInfiniteAmmo: Unlimited Ammo! 无限弹e68a84e8a2ade799bee5baa631333363383962药
setcheatplayer true – Turns on cheat menu. 作弊选单开
setcheatplayer false – Turns off cheat menu. 作弊选单关
giveresources – Gives 50 of any resource on local servers. 所有资源给50份
giveengrams – Unlocks all crafting. 所有制作蓝图解锁
ServerPVE – Disables PVP. 网服关闭PVP
ServerHardcore – Character stats reset on death. 网服死后人物经验清空
ServerForceNoHUD – Floating names become disabled. 网服关闭显示名字
ServerCrosshair – Enables Crosshair. 网服开启十字瞄准
GlobalVoiceChat – Everyone can hear everyone, no matter the distance. 网服语音全开
ProximityChat – Text chat only appears at close proximity. 网服文字限制
AllowThirdPersonPlayer – Enables 3rd person. 开启第三人称
AlwaysNotifyPlayerLeft – Enables departure message. 网服开启登出信息
DontAlwaysNotifyPlayerJoined – Disables join message. 网服关闭登入信息
settimeofday <time> – Changes time. 改变时间
AltSaveDirectoryName – Server data is saved in an alternate directory. 网服设定存储位置
saveworld – Saves the current world. 存档
damagetarget <amount> – Damage is dealt to your target. 伤害当前目标
destroyallenemies – Destroys all enemies on local servers. 杀死所有敌人
destroytarget – Destroys the entire world. Do not use this unless you want to nuke your current world. 毁灭世界
slomo 5 – Unsure. Still needs testing. 不明功能
autoSpawn trex – Spawns a T-Rex. 生出暴龙
autoSpawn dragon – Spawns a Dragon. 生出龙
NoTributeDownloads – Disable downloading external items/characters/dinosaurs into this ARK. 关闭mod(外部物件)
